Alissa’s Fair Session

This session was by far one of my favorite shoots I’ve done in 2021! I know I say that a lot, but hear me out.


Alissa has always been one of my top choices when it comes to models in Charlotte. I first shot with her back in January of 2021 for a boudoir session at my old studio space. As soon as I met her I could tell that she was confident but still completely down to earth and personable, something that I really admire in anyone I work with. We hit it off and the photos turned out amazing! If you want to see more from that session, you can click here.

Flash forward to June of 2021, I heard the fair was in town. Now believe it or not, I had never been to The Charlotte Fair before this year, or any fair in fact. My parents had never decided that was a place we were gonna go (understandably, I’ve heard the horror stories from some fairs), and so I was determined to make it to one this year. I had always admired photo shoots that I had seen other photographers do at the fair, so I figured why not check two things off of the old bucket list at the same time. Alissa immediately came to mind as my muse for the session, but I doubted she would be available on such short notice (that girl stays booked and busy!). To my surprise, she was able to fit me in!

The plan for the session was simple. Go to the fair, shoot around and have a good time. What we did not prepare for however was the sun wanting to cook us like ants under a magnifying glass. It was so hot that we decided on the drive over that we wouldn’t be there longer than 30 minutes. Luckily I’m confident enough in my skills to accept challenges like this, and as you can see, we were successful!

The Session

Every time anyone goes to the fair, they always shoot with the ferris wheel. Well being on the time crunch that we were and with the large number of people around, we decided to go with the more convenient yet still photogenic option.

After the Ferris wheel alternative shots, we spotted a ride with great lights with a lot of people in front. We were able to sneak around the back of the ride (probably not somewhere we were expected to be), so these photos didn’t have anyone in the background that needed to be photoshopped out. We were also able to take advantage of more space and angles than we would have which was nice. I saw a ladder when we were back there and we moved it to a prime spot to pose with.

These next photos are my favorite photos of the entire session. The colors, the vibrancy, the posing, everything came together for these!

The last few photos of the shoot were all about positioning to make the design on the ride behind her look like wings.

Looking to Shoot?

If you’re looking for a shoot like this, reach out today! I’m all about taking your concept and bringing it to life!


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